Jamie Scott

Managing Director,
Showpony Advertising

Jamie is the Managing Director of Showpony, a creative agency with over 25 years of brand building and behavioural change experience. With a degree in economics and a passion for creativity, Jamie landed a role in advertising, seeking to influence the markets he studied at uni. Before long he and creative, Parris Mesidis, opened an independent creative agency of their own in Adelaide, Showpony. Growth was rapid with foundation client Coopers Brewery, soon joined by Adelaide Zoo, Budweiser, Bridgestone and Flinders University.

Showpony now enjoys a long history of highly effective and award-winning campaigns, particularly in behvioural change for public health and education. Moving away from creative strategy for clients, Jamie now shares his time between Showpony’s Adelaide, Melbourne and Hobart offices, helping local leaders grow agency performance.

In 2022, Jamie was awarded the coveted Watering Can by the AADC for his significant contribution to the advertising industry. He acknowledges that contribution is only just beginning, with both the opportunity and obligation to influence on gender equity, the people who influence for a living. salge.com.au/leaders.

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