Diane Dixon

State Project Lead,
Lot Fourteen

Diane has worked in areas including major infrastructure project management, economic development, stakeholder engagement, strategy development, investment and trade, innovation and precinct delivery in both the UK and Australia over the past 25 years. She has also sat on a variety of innovation, education and government boards. 

She is responsible for innovation and economic places across the state and has developed a South Australia Innovation Place Leadership Framework to elevate the state as a global leader in innovation and economic outcomes. This leadership will unlock even greater value from investment, ensuring South Australia is globally responsive and competitive. 

Diane believes the areas of our lives can only benefit from having a balanced approach and this is so important and valuable in the workplace at an operational and strategic level – this can only occur through gender equity, which should not only be actively talked about but always be proactively demonstrated – especially by those in leadership positions.                 

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